Jacob BilickeDeacon Candidatejacobb@cvbc.netMarried to EmmaDeacon of OrdinancesGives oversight to the administration of the Lord's Supper and baptisms.
James Kirchenjamesk@cvbc.netMarried to JillDeacon of HelpsGives oversight to the willing servants offering practical helps to our CVBC congregation when in need.
Micah Burchmicahb@cvbc.netMarried to HeatherDeacon of OutreachGives oversight to evangelistic and outreach-minded ministries/events that reach beyond church walls
Mike KragerDeacon CandidateMikek@cvbc.netMarried to MarieDeacon of CareGives oversight to all ministries/events that minister to those who need hospital, nursing home or home visitation.
Joe Cherrierjoec@cvbc.netMarried to LynnDeacon of Fellowship FundGives oversight to this benevolence fund for individuals needing financial assistance and counsel.
Ric Metzenbauerricm@cvbc.netMarried to TracyDeacon of HostingGives oversight to ministries/events that provide a warm welcome to all who may attend CVBC.
Mark Hedringtonmarkh@cvbc.netMarried to PauletteDeacon of FacilitiesGives oversight to the physical, mechanical and maintenance of all systems within CVBC’s campus.
Derek Schmidtdereks@cvbc.netMarried to JenelleDeacon of TechnologyGives oversight to all ministry-related and operational technological needs of CVBC.