Welcome to CVBC
Where to start?
Pick a Service Time
Summer worship is at 9:00am weekly with nursery provided for infants through preschool (up to age 4). We have held an outdoor service at 10:00am periodically and may continue to do so this summer. On outdoor Sundays there is no 9:00am service and we do not offer nursery.
September through May: We have services at 9:00 & 10:30am on Sunday mornings with the same music and teaching. Nursery is offered at both services. During the school year we also offer children’s & adult Sunday School classes at 9:00am.
Below is additional information about Sunday mornings at CVBC.
Chippewa Valley Bible Church is a non-denominational church in Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin. In all that we do, we seek to Love God and Love People. If you would like to know more about our church, please send us an email at info@cvbc.net or join us for one of our two worship services every Sunday. Both our 9:00 and 10:30am services (9:00 am only during the summer) contain the same music and the same preaching. We pray that CVBC will be a place for you to belong.
The Gospel: In all that we teach, practice, and plan for, the Gospel is central. We believe that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the only means to salvation and is what empowers us to growth in the Christian life. But it is also the Gospel that unites all of us together. We all come to CVBC with different backgrounds, traditions, and distinctions. But it is under the name of Jesus that we all live together.
The Preaching of the Word: We are committed to preaching the very words of God. God’s Word is perfect, so why mess with it? We preach the same truths that the biblical authors wrote about. We do not shy away from what God has revealed to us in Scripture.
Church Family: We consider one another as family members at CVBC. Our church is a place to commit to and a place to belong. We promise to care for, love, and shepherd you. Whether you are in a season of hardship or a season of celebration, we commit to walking alongside of you as brother or sister in Christ.
Plurality of Leadership: We value a plurality of leadership on all levels. We believe we are the healthiest, most loving, and strongest when we team up together to lead. There is no CEO-type leader, but a team of servant-leaders. This plurality of leadership is seen in our elder and deacon teams, our staff, and our volunteers.
We worship God: God is at the center of all that we do as a church. We seek to know more of God and to love God more. Here is how we practically do this:
Sunday Morning Gatherings | 9:00 & 10:30am
Sunday Evening Prayer Service | 1st Sunday of Month | 6:00pm
Bible Studies and Sunday School Classes
Nursery for newborns up to 4k, Sunday School from 4K through Adults
We Belong to One Another: God has designed the Christian life to be one of community and belonging. When God saves us he saves us into a family. Here is how we practically live this out at CVBC:
Church Membership Classes offered quarterly
Small Groups meeting twice or more monthly
Serving one another through volunteering in ministries
Practicing hospitality
Wednesday night activities for 4K-High School
Praying for one another
We Live Out the Gospel: We strive to make our faith public wherever we go. We are to be evangelists who proclaim the Gospel of Jesus. We are to be ambassadors of Jesus as we work, play, and live. We want to be a church that sends members out with the Gospel and supports organizations that are already doing that! Here is how we live out the Gospel at CVBC:
Personal evangelism
Missionary support
Community involvement and service ministries like Ruby's Pantry food distribution, Good News Global (Jail and Prison Ministry), and Apple Pregnancy Care Center.
Everyone is welcome to attend services on Sunday morning. Whatever your background, or whatever position in life you find yourself in, we invite you to join us in worshipping our Creator and Savior.
CVBC offers Sunday school during the school year at 9am for students in 4K-high school. Also, we have nursery for birth-4yrs old at both the 9:00 & 10:30am services.
Additionally we host children & youth ministries on Wednesday evenings throughout the school year for those in 4K-high school. Please click here for more information on these ministry offerings.
We want all who attend to feel comfortable at CVBC. Most people dress casually, but you'll find the entire spectrum on any given Sunday.
We have two parking lots at our campus accessible from E South Ave. Both lots are available for Sunday morning parking, and visitors are welcome to park in the identified spaces in the east lot.
The main lobby is a large open space between the main sanctuary and education hallway. Feel free to use the coat racks around the lobby, especially during the cooler seasons. Children can be checked in to their activities at the check-in window opposite the sanctuary entrances, in the education hallway.
Any open seat is available. If a service has already begun, please ask an usher for assistance in finding a seat. We also provide a Family Room in Room 60 with a live video feed during the 10:30am service during the school year and during both services at Christmas Eve, Easter, and all summer for families who feel their kids need a bit more mobility during service.
Each service is about 70 minutes long and focuses on worship, teaching, and corporate prayer.
MUSIC | CVBC leads each Sunday morning with music aimed at centering our hearts and minds on the Lord, and the truths and lessons he has for us to learn and live by. We encourage you to stand or sit or raise hands as your heart lifts worship to God.
PREACHING | We are committed to expository preaching, and a Bible-centered theology. God has given us His perfect word and from it we can know Him and His will for our lives.
PRAYER | We are intentional at each service about incorporating prayer for the purpose of praising God and bringing our needs before Him.
LORD'S SUPPER | The first Sunday of each month we celebrate the Lord's Supper through communion as a remembrance of Christ's work at the Cross. All who confess Jesus as their Lord and Savior are welcome to participate.
BAPTISMS | When the opportunity arises, we use our Sunday morning service time to baptize individuals who have professed Jesus as Lord. These baptisms are usually conducted at the end of service and are a celebration of the public proclamation of a believer's faith in Jesus Christ.
Still not sure?
Check us out online first. Our Sunday Services are streamed live on our website and Facebook page. And feel free to check out past sermons in the Media Library or visit the Our Beliefs section to find the details of our faith in Jesus.