Weekly Bulletin - January 17, 2021

Order of Service

Sunday, January 17, 2021



Family Prayer: Elder-led prayer which includes things that the Bible commands local churches to pray for (Eph. 6:18, Col. 4:2-4, 1 Tim. 2:1-2):

  • Church Family: Lon & JoAnne Putzer, Ginnie Rasmus

  • Ministry: Moses’ Basket

  • Local Church: Good News Jail & Prison Ministry, Chaplain Steve Norlander

Message: Troy Solava

Songs: Scandal of Grace, Same Power, Your Grace is Enough

Songs Used by Permission - CCLI License #356753

What’s Happening at CVBC

  • Tuesday Morning Moms (TMM) will be restarting January 26th from 9:30-11:00am continuing our marriage study. Nursery is provided. 

  • A new Women’s Bible Study, “Truthfilled,” will be held on Mondays from 6:30-8pm starting February 1. Join Ruth Chou Simons (author)  in this 7-session study of the Book of Colossians as she leads us through a practice of preaching gospel truth to ourselves by studying Paul’s example. In every changing season of life, we can rest in God’s character, rehearse our identity in Christ, respond in faith, and remember God’s provision for us. In today’s culture, there’s no shortage of self help, easy fixes, and worldly advice, but only the truth of God’s Word was meant to fill you up and satisfy you fully. Sign up in the foyer today through Jan. 24. 

  • Ruby’s Pantry is this Tuesday, January 19,  with food distribution  starting around 2:30pm through 5:00pm or whenever the food runs out. Volunteers are needed and can arrive anytime after 12:30. All are welcome to participate. Ruby’s Pantry is held at CVBC monthly on the third Tuesday. Schedules are at the Ministry Table in the foyer.

  • Volunteers are still needed for various ministries at CVBC to run smoothly. See sign up sheets in the foyer.

  • FREEDOM Recovery meets 3x weekly: Tues.-1pm, Thurs.-7pm, and Sat.-8am. We use the Life Recovery Bible 12-Step Program. Join us! Contact Jerry at (715) 379-0200 or email gsolfest@gmail.com.

SERMON: The Satisfaction of Jesus

Mark 8:1-21 

Main Point: Jesus is the only sufficient object of our FAITH for  He alone is SUPREMELY SATISFYING.

  1. The Satisfying Jesus

  2. The Unsatisfied Pharisees

  3. The Forgetful Disciples

Small Group Questions:

  • What is something that stood out to you from this passage or sermon?

  • Where do you see the lack of faith in the Pharisees in this passage? Where do you see the lack of faith in the disciples? Do you ever share in the same struggle?

  • How does this passage help us through trials? Help us say no to sin? Help us evangelize?


Back of Bulletin Missionary Highlight:

Dave & Tamara Johnson

Email: Dave.Johnson@cru.org 

CRU (Campus Crusade for Christ)

Northwest Wisconsin Team working with the Faculty Commons  division of the Campus Ministry

Dave and Tamara Johnson have faithfully ministered for many years with Cru (Campus Crusade for Christ) as part of the Northwest Wisconsin Team working with the Faculty Commons division of the Campus Ministry.

Tamara went to be with the Lord on 12/31/20.  In early July, Tamara was diagnosed as having an inoperable cancer deep in her brain. Her husband, Dave, reported that when the radiologist asked Tamara if she had any questions, she said, "Do you believe in Jesus?"  In the midst of her own pain, she was concerned for the eternal destiny of her physicians.

The CVBC Missions Team is sending the Johnson family a sympathy card on behalf of CVBC.  But we know that individual expressions of sympathy and prayer support would be greatly appreciated. 

If you would like to do this, please contact the office for the address. 

Thank you for your prayers for Dave and their family.

Libby Krause2020