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Women’s Bible Studies

“Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly” Colossians 3:16

Bible studies help us to integrate scripture and deepen our prayer life. They allow us to focus on God's Word so that we can internalize it in our hearts and minds. This leads to a better understanding of God and greater application to our lives. Bible studies are also a great opportunity to build relationships with other women and share life experiences and personal understanding of Biblical truths. The Women’s Ministry Team desires to offer studies geared specifically for women throughout the year.

Monday Morning Study Group

This study group meets year-round on Mondays from 9:00 - 10:30am in Room 50 at CVBC. A book of the Bible is studied, and the women of the group pray for each other weekly. Anyone is welcome to join at any time, and to attend as you’re able.

Tuesday Morning Moms

Tuesdays during the school year (September - May) from 9:30 – 11:00am following the Chippewa Falls school calendar. If there isn't any school, there isn't any TMM.

Childcare: Provided (check-in begins at 9:15 a.m.) Donation of $25 per family per semester helps offset childcare costs.

Tuesday Morning Moms is an interdenominational group of moms that meets weekly for Biblical teaching, friendship, and encouragement. TMM exists to give moms a time together to get to know God intimately, share friendships, and encourage one another. Our united purpose is to provide spiritual training for mothers, equipping them to become women of excellence, grace, and freedom as they demonstrate Christ's love in their homes and communities.

Please join us any time during the year as we learn about God's instruction in our families' lives.

Click HERE to register and pay online for TMM.

Seasonal Studies

We strive to offer women’s studies every fall, winter (spring) and summer. Please watch your bulletin and/or emails for information.