Beliefs & Governing Policies


This church will be self-governing in all matters with the Council of Elders serving as the spiritual and administrative head of the church. 


The recognition and confirmation of deacons will follow the same steps as the recognition of elders outlined earlier in this document.


  1. Deacons will recruit and train individuals to serve on or lead ministry teams.

  2. Deacons will coach and equip emerging team leaders, establishing them in the faith and providing them practical ministry tools.

  3. Deacons will organize and oversee the collection of offering money to maintain an accountability separation from collection (deacons) and daily accounting (staff).

  4. Deacons will serve at the discretion of the Council of Elders.

  5. Deacons will select from among themselves a lead deacon who will encourage and equip each deacon in his responsibilities as a member of the deacon team. The lead deacon will be affirmed yearly in his calling as lead deacon at an announced deacon meeting.

  6. If no one volunteers for the position of lead deacon, theChurch Administrator or an Elder will assume the duties of the lead deacon until a qualified candidate can be identified.


The following teams are central to the vision and mission of CVBC and may be delegated to the deacons by the elders:

  1. Fellowship fund (benevolence fund for individuals needing financial assistance)

  2. Ministry of Mercy (practical help for widows, single moms and others in need)

  3. Hosting teams including ushers, greeters and information center

  4. Money collection and counting

  5. Event team (organizing CVBC special functions such as banquets and praise gatherings where set-up and teardown are involved)

  6. Facility care and grounds team

  7. Hospital and nursing home visitation ministries

If, at some point, a staff person is hired and his or her job description includes oversight of a ministry team, the deacons involved in that ministry team will come under the oversight of that staff member. If an insufficient number of deacons are available to cover the oversight of ministry teams, the elders will direct individuals or teams to recruit, train and place rightly-gifted and called individuals into vacant positions.