Weekly Bulletin - May 17, 2020

Order of Service



Songs: Here I Am to Worship, Holy Spirit, We Fall Down

Family Prayer: Elder-led prayer which includes things that the Bible commands local churches to pray for (Eph. 6:18, Col. 4:2-4, 1 Tim 2:1-2):

  • Church Family:  Dave & Sharon Daniels, Bruce & Kathi Dressel, Alan & Emily Dunham

  • Missionaries: Jeff & Becky Thibaudeau

  • Local Ministry: Hope Gospel Mission—Serving the poor and homeless in the Chippewa Valley

Message: Troy Solava

Song: Be Thou My Vision

Songs Used by Permission - CCLI License #356753

Live Worthy of the Gospel

Philippians 1:27-30 

Main Point: The Gospel has made you a CITIZEN of God’s Kingdom. So, in all that you do on Earth, REFLECT your Kingdom citizenship.

Citizens of God’s Kingdom…

  • Unify under the Gospel

  • Live confidently because of their salvation

  • Suffer with joy

Small Group Questions:

1. What is something that stood out to you from the passage or the sermon

2. What does it mean to “live worthy of the Gospel?” What does it mean to be a citizen of God’s Kingdom?

3. How can you apply this sermon in your life?


Jeff & Becky Thibaudeau

Email: thibjeff@yahoo.com

Baptist World Mission  Brazil

Jeff and Becky arrived in Brazil in 1987 and have been involved in 3 church plants in the greater Sao Paulo area.  They are currently assisting at Faith Baptist Church in the neighborhood of Cotia where they work with a national pastor and his wife. The Thibaudeau’s ministry includes teaching and preaching at church, leading men’s & women’s groups and home Bible studies, and working with teen camps and Vacation Bible School. When a church can fully support its own Brazilian   pastor, Jeff and Becky move on to another needy city and start another church. Becky is the daughter of Tony and Mary Poulson and was raised on the mission field in which she now serves with her husband.


  1. Pray for the salvation of men (especially the husbands of church women) so families will be more unified and the church will be strengthened.

  2. Pray for Bible studies in homes held by our church people.

  3. Praise for decisions of teens during teen camps.  Pray for their spiritual growth

  4. Pray for the furtherance and eventual completion of the church construction project.

  5. Pray for the growing Bible study group in a city near us, that they would be able to grow into a church plant in that area.

Anniversary:  June 17, 1982

Birthdays:  Jeff – June 5, Becky – October 10

Derek Schmidt