Weekly Bulletin - May 23, 2020

Order of Service



Songs: Behold Your King, Jesus Paid it All, Build My Life

Family Prayer: Elder-led prayer which includes things that the Bible commands local churches to pray for (Eph. 6:18, Col. 4:2-4, 1 Tim 2:1-2):

  • Church Family:  Josh & Rheanna Fauske, Cathy Endres, Rich & Julie Endvick

  • Ministry: Sunday School Program

  • Leaders: Military Personnel

Message: Matt Jewell

Song: Hold Us Together

Songs Used by Permission - CCLI License #356753

Living with Gospel Humility

Philippians 2:1-11

  1. Live out the gospel by displaying unity.

  2. Live out the gospel by developing humility.

  3. Live out the gospel by considering Jesus.

Small Group Questions:

  1. What is something that stood out to you from the passage or the sermon?

  2. What is one way you can grow in humility? What is a practical step you can take to do that?

  3. How can we help each other live more humble lives? Is there a corporate element to humility?

Derek Schmidt