Weekly Bulletin - June 7, 2020
Order of Service
Announcements (to read current announcements click here)
Family Prayer
Message: Troy Solava
Song (outside): How Great Thou Art
Songs Used by Permission - CCLI License #356753
What’s Happening at CVBC
· Recognizing our 2020 Graduates: We’d like to acknowledge all of the graduates from both high school and institutions of higher learning in the June 28 bulletin. Please email the name, school, (college) degree, and a photo to Libby at office@cvbc.net by June 22.
Living for the True Gospel
Philippians 3:1-11
Main Point: Do you want to be made _________ with God? Throw out every attempt to save yourself and throw yourself at __________ and His __________________ .
1. The ___________ of Self-Salvation
2. The _________ of Christ
Small Group Questions:
1. What is something that stood out to you from the passage or sermon?
2. What do we mean by self-salvation? Why is this a danger, and how can it tempt even Christians?
3. What from this passage encourages you regarding your true identity in Christ?
Back of Bulletin Feature:
Thrift Sale 2020
Friday, July 17, 7:30am - 6:00pm and Saturday, July 18, 8:00am - 2:00pm
All proceeds will go toward Student Mission Trips in 2021.
General Guidelines:
You can bring donations to the church during office hours (Mon-Thu., 9am - 4pm). Call ahead so we can open the garage door for you. To donate large items please contact Alan Dunham for pick up at aland@gmail.com or 715-864-4406.
We appreciate your donations! We are also grateful for your discernment as to whether your donated items will sell.
Receipts will be available for your tax deductible donations (ask in the office).
If you’d like to make a monetary donation, please designate on your check or envelope “Student Missions.”
Volunteers Needed:
To help set up Sunday, July 12 - Thursday, July 16 (you get “early bird” shopping privileges!)
To help with sales on Friday & Saturday — morning and afternoon shifts available, and help needed for clean up Sat. afternoon
Two or three people willing to run “The Boutique” — knowledgeable about trendy clothing, and would be comfortable with pricing and running the boutique.
Please contact Steph Krizan if you are able to help: 715-559-3928 or cskrizan@yahoo.com. Thanks!