Weekly Bulletin - June 14, 2020
Order of Service
Family Prayer: Elder-led prayer which includes things that the Bible commands local churches to pray for (Eph. 6:18, Col. 4:2-4, 1 Tim. 2:1-2):
Church Family: Mick Dunlap, Renee Dillenbeck, Tim & Jen Figlmiller
Ministry: Tech Team members
Local Leaders (Bloomer): Mayor Jeffrey Steinmetz and School Superintendent Brian Misfeldt
Message: Troy Solava
Songs: Forever Reign, Great Are You Lord, Great is Thy Faithfulness
Songs Used by Permission - CCLI License #356753
What’s Happening at CVBC
· Recognizing our 2020 Graduates: We’d like to acknowledge all of the graduates from both high school and institutions of higher learning in the June 28 bulletin. Please email the name, school, college graduate degree, and a photo to Libby at office@cvbc.net by June 22.
· Ruby’s Pantry will be held this Tuesday, June 16. All are welcome to participate. To volunteer, or for more information, contact Stephanie K. at cskrizan@yahoo.com.
· Next Red Cross Blood Drive is Friday, July 10, from 9am—3pm. To register go to http://www.redcrossblood.org and click on the blue box and find CVBC. To volunteer, contact Mark Hedrington at markh@cvbc.net.
· Thrift Sale 2020: Friday, July 17 and Saturday July 18. We’re gladly accepting your donations now. Bring gently used items during office hours and we’ll meet you at the storage garage in the west parking lot. For general guidelines and volunteer help, see fliers in the church office or visit cvbc.net “announcements.”
Living with Gospel Hope
Philippians 3:12—4:1
Main Point: Christian, you know what your _____________ looks like, so ______________ it now!
1. The Calling: Live for _________________ now. (12-17)
2. The Alternative: Live for _____________ . (18-19)
3. The Reward: _________________ Life. (20-21)
Small Group Questions:
1. What is something that stood out to you from the passage or sermon?
2. What does it look like to live for heaven now? What does a heavenly citizen look like on Earth?
3. What can you do when you don’t desire to be in heaven?
Back of Bulletin Ministry Highlight: Tech Team
We need help behind the scenes, and especially on Sunday mornings! The Tech Team takes care of church areas dealing with technology. These include Sunday morning media needs, like sound, lyrics projection, and video/live-streaming, as well as other IT needs, like computers, website, and social media.
If you have a passion for technology or media and would like to be a part of this ministry, we can use your help! We have opportunities for all levels of expertise, from simply pressing the space bar, to running the video camera or sound board, to trouble-shooting computer issues. Experience is helpful, but not necessary. Training will be provided. Contact Jodi Jewell at jodij@cvbc.net to get plugged in.