Weekly Bulletin - June 21, 2020

Order of Service



Family Prayer: Elder-led prayer which includes things that the Bible commands local churches to pray for (Eph. 6:18, Col. 4:2-4, 1 Tim. 2:1-2)

  • Church Family: Alex Finseth, Betty Fitzl, Jeff & Lisa Flaig

  • Missionaries: Francisco & Joyce Lievano

  • Fathers

Message: Alan Dunham

Songs: At Calvary, All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name, Holy, Holy, Holy (Nicaea)

Songs Used by Permission - CCLI License #356753

What’s Happening at CVBC

· Monday noon prayer continues as a Zoom meeting but also in person. Join the group at CVBC to pray for the current requests.

· Recognizing our 2020 Graduates: We’d like to acknowledge all of the graduates from both high school and institutions of higher learning in the June 28 bulletin. Please email the name, school, college graduate degree, and a photo to Libby at office@cvbc.net by tomorrow, June 22.

· Next Red Cross Blood Drive is Friday, July 10, from 9am—3pm. To register go to http://www.redcrossblood.org and click on the blue box and find CVBC. To volunteer, contact Mark Hedrington at markh@cvbc.net.

Thrift Sale 2020: Friday, July 17 and Saturday July 18. We’re accepting your donations now. Bring gently used items during office hours and we’ll meet you at the storage garage in the west parking lot. For general guidelines and volunteer help, see “Weekly announcements” button on homepage, or pick up a flyer in the church office.

Philippians 4:2-9 

Main Point:  Trusting Christ means that there is never a moment that we are not dependent on Him.

  • How do you handle ______________? (vs. 2-3)

  • How is your ___________________ to God? (vs. 4-7)

  • How is your __________________? (vs. 8-9)

  • Trusting Christ leads us to peace but not passivity.


  1. What is something that stood out to you from the passage or sermon?

  2. How do you typically handle conflict?

  3. What makes it difficult for you to rejoice in the Lord always?

  4. In this next year, how do you plan to grow in both your knowledge of the Bible and your actions as a disciple?

Back of Bulletin Missionary Highlight:

Francisco & Joyce Lievano

NOVO (formerly CRM) novo.org

Francisco and Joyce Lievano, as life and ministry coaches in Latin America, focus on strengthening leaders, families and churches through dynamic Bible studies in the home. As they “equip the saints for the work of ministry” (Ephesians 4:12), the inductive home Bible studies have become a strategic priority. They travel continually to model, motivate, and multiply home Bible studies as the evangelistic, disciple-making, and church-planting program of the local church.


  1. As life and ministry examples, integrity, purity and passion for God and His kingdom are priorities in our daily life.

  2. Wisdom and discernment for ministry tasks and life in a challenging context.

  3. Protection, health and energy for ministry assignments and travel.

Derek Schmidt