Weekly Bulletin - August 14, 2022
Sunday, August 14, 2022 - OUTDOOR SERVICE
Welcome | Greeting
Call to Worship: Philippians2:9-11
Songs: Hosanna (Praise is Rising), O Praise the Name (Anastasis), You Never Let Go
Family Prayer
Song: Be Thou My Vision
Songs Used by Permission - CCLI License #356753
Death: Our Enemy, Our Friend
Genesis 23:1-20
Main Point: There is nothing as certain and tragic as death and yet, for the Christian,
death brings our reward.
The Reality of Death
The Tragedy of Death
The Significance of Death
Small Group Questions:
1. What is something that stood out to you from the passage or sermon?
2. How do Christians and non-Christians think differently about death?
3. How does a passage or sermon on death help you live now?