Weekly Bulletin - July 19th, 2020

Order of Service



Family Prayer: Elder-led prayer which includes things that the Bible commands local churches to pray for (Eph. 6:18, Col. 4:2-4, 1 Tim. 2:1-2):

  • Church Family: Mike Hagmann, Jim & Judy Haley, Lois Hall

  • 2020 Graduates

  • Missionaries in Brazil

  • Local Leaders: Crossroads Church—Pastor Wade Duroe

Message: Alan Dunham

Songs: It is Well With My Soul, Jesus Messiah, You Are My King (Amazing Love)

Songs Used by Permission - CCLI License #356753 

What’s Happening at CVBC

· The nursery is open on Sunday mornings (9am only) for children up through 4 years old.

· We have our summer Family Room available (Room 60) for anyone with children that need a less restrictive environment during the worship hour. Let those wiggles & giggles out!

· The NEXT Red Cross Blood Drive will be Friday, August 14, Noon-6pm. To register, go to http://www.redcrossblood.org and click on the blue box, then find CVBC Blood Drive. To volunteer, contact Mark Hedrington at markh@cvbc.net.

· We now have Welcome/Prayer cards for your use in the sanctuary and Fellowship Hall. Feel free to fill out a card and drop it in the white box on your way out. You can submit prayer requests to the office at any time by contacting us: office@cvbc.net or 715-723-2872.

· Christ-Centered Recovery meets 3x weekly: Tuesdays-1pm, Thursdays-7pm, and Saturdays-8am. We use the Life Recovery Bible 12-Step Program. All are welcome to join. Contact Jerry (715) 379-0200 or gsolfest@gmail.com.

Sermon: Let Justice Roll

Amos 5

  1. Seek God and _________

  2. Identify and _____________ idols

  3. Do _________________


  • What did you learn from the sermon?

  • How are you seeking God daily?

  • What has the greatest potential to be an idol in your life?

  • Where do you see injustice and what are you doing to bring justice to the people involved?

Derek Schmidt