Weekly Bulletin - August 2, 2020
Order of Service
Sunday, August 2, 2020
Communion Sunday
Message: Troy Solava
Songs: Living Hope, In Christ Alone, Who You Say I Am, Doxology
Songs Used by Permission - CCLI License #356753
What’s Happening at CVBC
The nursery is open on Sunday mornings (9am only) for children up through 4 years old.
We have our summer Family Room available (Room 60) for anyone with children that need a less restrictive environment during the worship hour. Let those wiggles & giggles out!
The next Red Cross Blood Drive will be Friday, August 14, Noon-6pm. To register, go to http://www.redcrossblood.org and click on the blue box, then find CVBC Blood Drive. To volunteer, email Mark Hedrington at markh@cvbc.net.
We now have Welcome/Prayer cards for your use in the sanctuary and Fellowship Hall. Feel free to fill out a card and drop it in the white box on your way out. You can submit prayer requests to the office at any time by contacting us: office@cvbc.net or 715-723-2872.
FREEDOM Recovery meets 3x weekly: Tues.-1pm, Thurs.-7pm, and Sat.-8am. We use the Life Recovery Bible 12-Step Program. Anyone is welcome to join us. Please contact Jerry at (715) 379-0200 or email gsolfest@gmail.com.
Reminder: We do not collect offering during worship services. Please use the donation box in the foyer or Fellowship Hall, or consider electronic giving. Learn more at cvbc.net/giving, or click “Online Giving” at top of cvbc.net..
Sermon: Job’s Suffering
Job 1:1-2:10
Main Point: God is _____________ over all things — even suffering, and all things — even suffering — work to give Him __________.
The _______________________ of God
The ______________ of God
Small Group Questions:
1. What is something that stood out to you from the sermon or passage?
2. Where do you see the sovereignty of God in this passage? And how does God sovereignly use even suffering to bring about His own glory?
3. Does this passage leave you with any questions or confusion? Does this passage encourage you in any way?
Missionary Highlight:
Paul & Laura Harrigan
France For Christ
In France, only 4-1/2% of the people currently attend church regularly (about 1% are evangelical Christians). The purpose of France For Christ (FFC) is to encourage and promote the development/revival of the Christian faith in France. FFC’s ministries are targeted in 3 main areas:
Home groups & house churches: Conduct training and develop resources to establish home groups among the unchurched. Over 50 groups have started so far as a result.
Major Evangelistic Events: 1) Help organize the Regional Evangelism Day that takes place in October each year. 2) Working more and more with the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA) with the goal of doing a BGEA Festival in the Paris area..
Christian radio: Radio Gospel was started in 2006 and plays music that explicitly shares the Gospel message as well as serves as a loudspeaker for evangelistic events.
Pray for the Lord to work powerfully in the hearts of the French people, bringing many to a personal relationship with Him.
Praise the Lord that French people are starting home groups & house churches as a means to reach out to the unchurched. May these groups continue to multiply!
Pray for the Lord to make clear His path as we continue to advance in the area of evangelistic events, especially with BGEA.
Praise the Lord for the partnership we have with TopChrétien to help take Radio Gospel to the next level. Pray for wisdom and also pray for many French people to be impacted by the music and testimonies on the radio.
Birthdays: Paul – April 30, Laura – April 19 Anniversary: December 12, 2009