Weekly Bulletin - July 26th, 2020

Order of Service



Family Prayer: Elder-led prayer which includes things that the Bible commands local churches to pray for (Eph. 6:18, Col. 4:2-4, 1 Tim. 2:1-2):

  • Church Family: John Hanamann, Kelly Hayes, Mark & Paulette Hedrington

  • Ministry: CVBC Youth 

  • Local Leaders: APPLE Pregnancy Care Center

Message: Wayne Street

Songs: Lord, I Need You, I Stand Amazed, Everlasting God


Songs Used by Permission - CCLI License #356753 

What’s Happening at CVBC

  • The nursery is open on Sunday mornings (9am only) for children up through 4 years old.

  • We have our summer Family Room available (Room 60) for anyone with children that need a less restrictive environment during the worship hour. Let those wiggles & giggles out!

  • The next Red Cross Blood Drive will be Friday, August 14, Noon-6pm. To register, go to http://www.redcrossblood.org and click on the blue box, then find CVBC Blood Drive. To volunteer, email Mark Hedrington at markh@cvbc.net.

  • We now have Welcome/Prayer cards for your use in the sanctuary and Fellowship Hall. Feel free to fill out a card and drop it in the white box on your way out. You can submit prayer requests to the office at any time by contacting us: office@cvbc.net or 715-723-2872.

  • FREEDOM Recovery meets 3x weekly: Tues.-1pm, Thurs.-7pm, and Sat.-8am. We use the Life Recovery Bible 12-Step Program. Anyone is welcome to join us. Please contact Jerry at (715) 379-0200 or email gsolfest@gmail.com. 

Sermon: God and Doubt 

Moses' doubt (Exodus 4)

Gideon’s doubt (Judges 6)

John the Baptist's doubt (Matthew 11)

God and my doubt

Mission Highlight: APPLE

APPLE Pregnancy Care Center 2600 Stein Blvd, Eau Claire, WI  54701

Business Office: 715-834-5254 Crisis Call-in line: 715-834-7734

Aiding Problem Pregnancies with Love and Encouragement

Since 1981, APPLE Pregnancy Care Center has been serving families in the Chippewa Valley. Apple is a support ministry to restore, equip and empower women and men to make life-affirming choices. Apple offers free pregnancy testing, education through our “Earn While You Learn” Program, post-abortion counseling, and programs to middle and high school students about “Love, Sex, and Healthy Relationships.”


  1. Volunteers! There are many volunteer opportunities. Initial training is required to work with clients directly and is held during the spring and fall. Call for information, or a tour.

  2. Donations of maternity and baby clothing, bassinets, car seats (less than 5 years old only), new cribs (no drop sides), crib  mattresses, strollers, and many other baby items. We also take children’s books, and books pertaining to pregnancy and parenting, and toys. Diapers, especially in sizes 4-5-6, and wipes are a continuous need .


  • Pray for the women and men who call and use the Center.

  • Pray for the Board, Staff and Volunteers.  



Facebook pages : Friends of APPLE and APPLE Pregnancy Care Center.

CVBC Admin2020