Weekly Bulletin - November 1, 2020

Order of Service

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Communion Sunday




Message: Troy Solava

Songs: Cornerstone, Instrument of Peace, All the People Said Amen, Doxology

Songs Used by Permission - CCLI License #356753

What’s Happening at CVBC

  • Operation Christmas Child is in full swing, now through November 22. GOALS: 100 Shoebox Gifts * $1,500 * 1,000,000 Prayers.

  • This is a great opportunity for our local church to be united in a global outreach. Contact Christine Bishop with questions or ideas: bishop.christinem@gmail.com.

  • The next CVBC Membership Class is next Sunday at noon. Lunch is provided! Sign up in the foyer.

  • All Church Family Meeting November 15 at 6:30pm: We’ll finish out the teaching time and discuss the future/priorities of CVBC. All who call CVBC their church home are strongly encouraged to attend, whether or not you went to any of the previous teaching nights.

  • CHRISTMAS for MISSIONARIES ends today! Christmas cards are out on a table in the foyer for everyone to sign as an encouragement to those CVBC-supported missionaries both near and far away! We’ll also welcome monetary donations as a special Christmas gift to send along with the cards. Please drop your donation in the offering box noting “Missionaries” to identify your gift. Online giving can also designate for the missionaries’ Christmas gift. Choose “Missions” and note “Christmas.” We’ll be mailing the cards & checks later this week.


Sermon: The Word of God and the People of God

Acts 11:19-30

Main Point: The primary ways in which God works are by His ___________ and His ______________.

  • His ____________

  • His _____________

Small Group Questions:

  1. What is something that stood out to you from the sermon or passage?

  2. How does this passage show the power of the Word? And why does God use Scripture as the means to change lives?

  3. How does this passage show the importance of the people of God? How does this make a local church like CVBC that much more important to you?

Ministry Highlight:


Note: The Christmas For Missions ministry at CVBC will have  new significance in 2020, as you can imagine. Our local and world-wide supported missionaries have been affected by the pandemic in ways they never thought possible. Showing them the love of Christ through cards and monetary gifts will be appreciated ‘to the ends of the earth’ this year! Today is the last day to sign cards and/or donate money in person. You can give electronically: select “Missions” and note “Christmas.”

In Jesus' Great Commission (Matt. 28:18-20), he commanded his disciples to "go," "make disciples of all nations," "baptize them," and "teach them to obey" everything that he had commanded them. That was Jesus' mandate not only for his disciples, but for every Christ-follower down through the ages. It is our mandate as well. 

We at CVBC are committed to faithfulness to the Great Commission and to bringing the light of the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ to every corner of the globe. We endeavor to equip and encourage the church body to actively partner to carry the gospel locally, nationally, and internationally. We are passionate about missions and earnestly desire that that passion will spread to every believer!

CVBC currently supports 23 missionaries and mission organizations. The Missions Committee meets at regular intervals to:

  • discuss the needs of our missionaries and to pray for them

  • review applications from individuals seeking CVBC support for short-term missions trips or career missions and discuss support options

  • assist in and coordinate missionary visits with the congregation and individual ministry groups

We welcome mission concerns, ideas, and practical assistance. Please join us!


Dan Varga 715-723-3307, Judi Brodeen 715-723-1522  

Libby Krause2020