Weekly Bulletin - November 22, 2020

Order of Service

Sunday, November 22, 2020

  • Welcome

  • Announcements

  • Family Prayer: Elder-led prayer which includes things that the Bible commands local churches to pray for (Eph. 6:18, Col. 4:2-4, 1 Tim. 2:1-2):

    • Church Family: Chuck & Deb Lund, Carla Marik, Kevin & Emily Mason

    • Missionary: Buenaventura, Edgar & Clementina

    • Thanksgiving

  • Message: Troy Solava

  • Songs: All My Hope, Yet Not I But Through Christ In Me, This is Amazing Grace

    Songs Used by Permission - CCLI License #356753

What’s Happening at CVBC

  • The Giving Tree is in the foyer with Spirit of Christmas gift tags. Take a tag, sign it out (important!) then shop and return the gifts unwrapped by the November 29 deadline. If you'd like to get a tag via email instead of in person, email office@cvbc.net and we’ll get you
    set up. You can also donate money and let someone else do the shopping. Drop it in the offering box (note “Giving Tree”) or donate online with electronic giving (designate “Giving Tree”).

  • Ladies: Due to the current pandemic, the Women’s Ministry team has decided that in lieu of our annual Christmas Tea, you are invited to a time of Fellowship Around a Campfire on Saturday, December 12, from 4 to 6pm. We will roast weenies together and sip hot cocoa s as we enjoy each other’s company. Be sure to dress warmly as we will stay outside
    for this whole event. If you’d like to attend please RSVP by email or phone to the church (office@cvbc.net, or 715-723-2872) by Thursday, December 10.

  • Operation Christmas Child: Thank you to everyone who has been involved packing physical or on-line shoeboxes, donating money, and praying. The project is on target to meet or exceed our goals. To God be the Glory!

  • FREEDOM Recovery meets 3x weekly: Tues.-1pm, Thurs.-7pm, and Sat.-8am. We use the Life Recovery Bible 12-Step Program. Join us! Contact Jerry at (715) 379-0200 or email gsolfest@gmail.com.

Sermon: The Point of All History
Acts 13:13-52
Main Point: Jesus is the POINT of All History and Life.

  • Looking FORWARD to Jesus

  • Jesus: The POINT of History and Life

  • Looking BACK to Jesus

    Small Group Questions:
    1. What is something that stood out to you from the passage or sermon?
    2. How can you read the Old Testament and see Jesus in it?
    3. If Jesus is the point of everything, how does that change the way you live?

Back of Bulletin Missionary Highlight:

Edgar & Clementina Buenaventura

Email: edgarbturav@hotmail.com

Affiliated with Christian & Missionary Alliance
Colombia, South America

Edgar and Clementina are Bible translators and leaders of the Achagua language project in the Eastern plains of Colombia, South America. Much of the language learning and linguistic analysis of the Achagua
language is completed. The Buenaventuras are currently involved in Scripture distribution using battery- and solar-powered digital amplifiers with the pre-recorded gospel message; producing an
arithmetic book; working on vocabulary for an Achagua dictionary; and strengthening the growing Achagua church of some 400 members.

Prayer Requests:

  • Safety and protection in travel to distribute Scripture and solar-powered amplifiers in the Achagua communities and some of the remotest areas of Colombia’s Amazon jungle.

  • That new believers will have a growing interest in reading the Scriptures in the indigenous villages that the Buenaventuras visit.

  • For the holding of needed workshops: New Believers; Reading & Writing in Achagua; Church Leadership.

  • Continued growth of the Achagua church and maturing of Achagua believers.

  • Improved finances for personal and ministry needs, and health (Clementina: eyes, and other medical conditions; Edgar: kidneys, and skeletal/muscular problems).

    Anniversary: February 20, 1976
    Birthdays: Edgar – October 4, Clementina – February 28

Libby Krause2020