Weekly Bulletin - November 29, 2020
Order of Service
Sunday, November 29, 2020
Family Prayer: Elder-led prayer which includes things that the Bible commands local churches to pray for (Eph. 6:18, Col. 4:2-4, 1 Tim. 2:1-2):
Church Family: Tim & Amy Mason, Ric & Tracy Metzenbauer, Ray & Donna Moeller
Leaders & Staff of CVBC
Message: Matt Jewell
Songs: Light of the World, Our God, All The People Said Amen
Songs Used by Permission - CCLI License #356753
What’s Happening at CVBC
Pray with the elders next Sunday at 8:00am. Do you have a need for prayer? Would you enjoy the privilege of praying for others, bringing those requests to our loving God? All are welcome to join in Room 10 to pray with the elders..
Ladies: Due to the current pandemic, the Women’s Ministry team has decided that in lieu of our annual Christmas Tea, you are invited to a time of Fellowship Around a Campfire on Saturday, December 12, from 4 to 6pm. We will roast weenies together and sip hot cocoa s as we enjoy each other’s company. Be sure to dress warmly as we will stay outside
for this whole event. If you’d like to attend please RSVP by email or phone to the church (office@cvbc.net, or 715-723-2872) by Thursday, December 10.The Giving Tree: Gifts are all due back this weekend. They’ll be picked up Monday. Thank you so much for your participation and generosity in giving gifts and donating money to community families for Christmas.
FREEDOM Recovery meets 3x weekly: Tues.-1pm, Thurs.-7pm, and Sat.-8am. We use the Life Recovery Bible 12-Step Program. Join us! Contact Jerry at (715) 379-0200 or email gsolfest@gmail.com.
Sermon: A Living God
Acts 14:1-28
In Iconium
In Lystra
In Derbe and the return
Small Group Questions:
1. What is something that stood out to you from the passage or sermon?
2. What is one way you can better live out the reality that we serve a living God?
3. In light of Paul’s example in this passage, what are some approaches we can take when communicating our faith to those around us?
Back of Bulletin Highlight:
Please pray for CVBC Leaders and Staff